Professional Roles:
- Founder/director of Somatic Academy Berlin (Ausbildungs- und Trainingsinstitut)
- Founder/director of Village.Berlin >>
- Middendorf Breath Therapist
- Continuum Teacher authorized 2011
- Founding and ongoing member of Continuum Teacher Association (since 2016)
- Vorstand Queer Matters e.V.
- ISMETA member (International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association
- Member AFA - Arbeits- und Forschungsgemeinschaft für Atempflege
- Workshop & training facilitator, coach, consultant
- Festival curator Stretch Festival / Body IQ Festival
- 3.5 years Breath Practitioner training as developed by Prof. Ilse Middendorf, with Jörg Roffler and Prof. Middendorf at Middendorf Institute for Breath Experience, Berkeley, CA (1999-2002)
- Many continuing education courses with Prof. Ilse Middendorf at the Middendorf Institute in Berlin (2000-2008)
- Study of Continuum with Emily Conrad/Susan Harper, Los Angeles and Mary Abrams, New York (2006-2011)
- Heilpraktiker for Psychotherapy (German HPG 2012)
- Continuing education training "Breath-Tonus-Sound" with Maria Höller Zangenfeind, Zurich & Munich (2004-2010)
- Swedish & Deep Tissue Massage certification at Body Electric School, Oakland, California (1996)
- Sexual Healing, Body Electric School, Oakland, California (1997-99)
- 1 year integral consciousness and Tantra with Dr. Rudolph Ballentine, New York (1999)
- 1 year energy healing with Martha Piesco & Lawrence Hoff, Fire and Wind Healing Institute, New York (1997)
- 1 year Shiatsu at Ohashi Institute, New York (1997)
- 1 year NLP/Hypnosis practitioner training at Institute Christoph Mahr, Berlin (2008)
- 6 months Coach training with Nandana Nielson at NLP & Coaching Institute, Berlin (2008)
- Full Wave Breathing, Dr. Thomas Goode, International Breath Institute, Boulder, Colorado (1997)
- Cranio-Sacral-Therapy, basic level with Hans-Jörg Bauer, Paracelsus School, Berlin (2008)
- "Forum", "Advanced Course", "Self-Expression Leadership" (SELP) & "Communication" courses with Landmark Education, New York (1998-2000)
Collaborations and Associations:
- AFA - Arbeits- und Forschungsgemeinschaft für Atempflege (breath work- and research association)
- Atemtherapeuten Berlin (Breath Therapists of Berlin)
- MIBE - Middendorf Institute for Breathexperience, Oakland/San Francisco
- ISMETA - International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association
- Continuum Teacher Association, USA
- Atem Tonus Ton Zurich/Freiburg
- Atemschule Schwendimann (school for breath education), Zurich
- Sexological Bodywork, Zurich
- Easton Mountain Retreat Center, Greenwich, New York
- Moving Body Resources, New York
- Akademie Waldschlösschen
- DOCH, Stockholm
- xplore Berlin, Vienna, Rome
- Checkpoint queer+, Zurich
- Schwulenberatung Berlin